30+ Internal links strategies that help you Rank higher

Safalta Expert Published by: Vanshika Jakhar Updated Wed, 23 Nov 2022 12:35 AM IST

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Although many website owners use the blog comment sections as a means of spamming their backlinks, this is neither necessary nor helpful for your SEO efforts. Even though inbound links are discussed frequently, the strategies for doing so are rarely covered. Fortunately, link-building tactics aren't as difficult to implement as many people claim. Consider it similar to social media: if you have great content and you get it in front of the right people, they will share it.  

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Table of Content
Link building: What is it?
How do backlinks work?
Link Building Strategies

Link building: What is it?

Link building is the process of enhancing the number and quality of inbound links to your website to increase domain authority, increase search engine rankings, and gain referral traffic.

How do backlinks work?

Backlinks, also known as inbound links or incoming links, are an off-page SEO technique in which you obtain links from other websites that point users to your website. The person who refers to a link as a "backlink" is the one who is receiving it.

Source: Safalta

Backlinks are distinct from internal and outbound links.
A good backlink can do two things for a website:

  • They may increase website traffic. You will benefit from the referral traffic if someone posts a backlink to your website on their website and their readers choose to click on it.
  • The more backlinks you receive from high-quality, authoritative websites, the more search engines will recognize your website as an authority on a particular topic. As a result, the higher your website ranks in search engine results pages (SERPs), the better.


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Link Building Strategies


1. Keep up a regular blog with quality content.

One of the most tried-and-true methods to naturally generate inbound links is to consistently produce excellent blog content that people want to link to. You should publish material that benefits your reader and is directly related to your industry. In this manner, they are motivated to spread it. If they have a website, they might even link to it from there.

2. Include links to other blogs on your website.

A blog is a social tool by design. A blogger is more likely to return the favor if you link to them frequently and strategically when you have opportunities to do so.

3. Post as a guest on blogs.

Create a fantastic blog post and submit it to blogs that would be a good fit for it. If someone agrees, they ought to be ready to provide you with an inbound link in the article. In addition to showcasing your expertise, guest blogging is a great way to obtain high-quality white-hat links.

4. Compile and publish lists of useful resources.

Resource lists make excellent link bait and valuable reading material for your audience. It will be simple for other bloggers to link to your thorough resource list in their posts rather than duplicating and curating all that content themselves if you do so.

5. Conduct expert roundups to foster connections.

Expert roundups can be a very effective tool for interacting with influential people. Even though you might not immediately see a lot of inbound links or leads from these roundups, developing relationships with influencers will eventually help you get reliable backlinks from reliable sources.

6. Create newsjack articles.

Newsjacking is the practice of using a news story's popularity to boost your sales and marketing success. Due to the "freshness" factor in Google's algorithm, if you're the first blogger to comment on a news event, you'll appear at the top of the SERPs, and other bloggers will link to your content in their accounts of the event.

7. Write case studies about the clients who have made the biggest impressions.

You can be sure that your clients will link to your website if you make them look good in case studies about their company. but you need to improve them. This entails selecting businesses that have produced the best results, are enthusiastic, and are knowledgeable about your product or service.

8. Offer to participate in a case study.

Customers who are open to being the subject of a case study are always sought after by businesses. Give back to one of your key vendors by volunteering your time in exchange for a backlink from the case study once it is published.

9. Conduct surveys.

Commit to sharing the results of your research if you do it. You can bet that they'll do some promotion and inbound linking for you to ensure that your sample size is large if you handle the data collection and analysis and then give some high-authority sites access to the results.

10. Create book evaluations.

There is a good chance that another author will link to your in-depth analysis of their content.

11. Hold free webinars and publish recordings online.

Your audience will undoubtedly spread it if it's educational. Making your PowerPoint presentation slides into a SlideShare presentation and then embedding it into a blog post is one quick way to accomplish this. Additionally, you can embed it into the landing page for the webinar so that anyone looking to sign up for one that has already ended can view the presentation.

12. Make open-source tools.

One of the biggest is the availability of free tools. By producing free tools that are extremely beneficial to your target customers, you can move past those resource lists.

13. Make templates that can be shared.

Templates are another item that people will find useful enough to link to, just like free tools. Consider what kinds of templates would make people's jobs easier before you create one. Content that can be bookmarked frequently receives a large number of inbound links.

14. Produce eye-catching infographics.

Infographics are extremely popular for social sharing. People will link to you as the source if you produce an infographic that is entirely your own. You could also distribute your design to the sources you mentioned to increase the likelihood of an inbound link and make the embed code for your infographic easy to find.

15. Produce additional visual content.
A visual content marketing strategy should include content visualizations, graphs, and the like because they are effective at attracting inbound links. Others won't bother making their visual content because it takes time and money; they'll just link to yours instead.

16. Make presentations for SlideShare.
Reuse an infographic from a previous speaking engagement or cut one of yours up. You can post these on your website's resource section, your blog, or even a SlideShare account for additional links.

17. Make a funny move.
Funny things quickly catch on. Consider the clever inside jokes that exist in your sector and use them to your advantage by creating some witty, linkable content. To convey the joke, you can make a meme, a quick video, or a tweet. Just be cautious to ensure that you are aware of your audience and how they are likely to react to avoid offending anyone.

18. Produce press releases highlighting noteworthy business news.
By converting your PR strategy to an inbound one, you open up previously untapped markets, carve out a niche for your business, and gain valuable mindshare among your target audiences.

19. When your news involves another company, issue a joint press release.
This can assist in reaching thousands of other relevant websites that might not have linked to your site in a press release about just your business. This will allow you to reach more people and, as a result, gain more backlinks.

20. When you have significant news or excellent content, engage in some outreach.
Press attention and publication in trade journals can assist you in developing your brand, making your expertise more apparent, enhancing your credibility, and, of course, obtaining backlinks from reliable sources.

21. Create press release alerts and look for opportunities to send quotes.
Press alerts are requests from journalists for information sources. These journalists frequently seek quotes from particular people to include in their articles, and they use a variety of channels to make requests and locate those quotes.

22. Compose and submit op-ed pieces.
If you have a compelling opinion to share and can articulate it in an opinion piece, you may have the chance to reach a large audience, gain recognition for both you and your business, and obtain high-quality backlinks to your website.

23. Form alliances with businesses in related fields.
Because they have a stake in one another's success, corporate channel partners frequently link to one another's excellent content. You might think about examining a partner's overall web presence on Alexa and SimilarWeb to determine how much traffic they can bring to your website.

24. Engage in joint marketing.
Additionally, you can develop co-marketing alliances to take things a step further. This entails collaborating with another business to advertise a piece of content or a product, then disclosing the results of that advertising. You can generate more links and buzz with less effort by utilizing a partner's network and relationships.

25. Request feedback.
You could, for instance, request feedback on new features you're introducing from users of your product as well as analysts or experts in the field. Not only will you get an inbound link, but you'll also get excellent comments and solidify your bond with the reviewers you asked for.

26. Make actual friends with other webmasters.
When new opportunities arise, building stronger relationships with other webmasters will help you get access to relevant inbound link requests and increase the likelihood that those requests won't be ignored.

27. Look for and follow up on brand mentions.
When appropriate, get in touch with webmasters to discuss converting those mentions into inbound links. This strategy is known as "link reclamation." By adding keywords related to your brand or products and setting up alerts using tools like Mention or BuzzSumo, you can keep track of brand mentions. Make sure to set these tools' settings to exclude any mentions of your website from the alert.

28. Use site-crawling tools to find broken links.
Some webmasters might link to your website using outdated or broken links, similar to the step above. This is normal, given how frequently you update and modify your website. These inbound links can be updated, but they are still valuable.

29. Look for and keep an eye on the backlinks of your rivals.
Look for chances to obtain comparable links. This is a great way to quickly locate high-value link opportunities. Conduct competitor research on a weekly or monthly basis to identify new opportunities that you can seize while they are still favorable.

30. Include "Tweet This" links in your content.
Publishing your content widely is a necessary component of obtaining inbound links. Your audience will share your content more frequently if you include "Tweet This" or "Click to Tweet!" links for tweetable items.

31. Install social sharing widgets.
Social sharing buttons and widgets spread your content just like "Tweet This" links do. Put them on the case studies, white papers, ebooks, and blog posts that you use for marketing. More people are likely to see, share, and link to your website the more frequently it appears on other social media platforms.

32. Contribute to or sponsor an event.
Events typically provide excellent website publicity for their speakers and sponsors. Either they'll list you on their sponsor's page or they'll write a blog post introducing you as a speaker. To ensure that your time and resources result in a useful inbound link, you can also include inbound links in your terms.

The days of buying link-building services and spamming comment sections are over. You're well on your way to building high-quality backlinks the ethical way if you use the advice and techniques provided above. Your website will rank much higher in the search engine results pages (SERPs), increasing organic traffic and luring more potential leads and customers.
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How can I improve my internal link ranking on Google?

Use anchor text that contains keywords.
Put a link to a crucial page.
Use different anchor texts for each page you link to.

Can excessive internal linking harm your SEO?

Too many internal links can hurt a website's search engine rankings. Additionally, according to John Mueller of Google, using too many internal links on a website will hurt its SEO performance.

What links should you not click on?

We always advise against clicking links in emails or texts unless you are absolutely certain that they are secure. But given that con artists are skilled at spoofing, even links you receive from sources you might trust could be malicious.

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